Environment Variables

Environment variables can be defined and used at different levels in TPT. They can be used in file paths, names, scripts and so forth. They use the ${<variable_name>} syntax. For example, ${tpt.tptfile.dir}\myfile.txt addresses a file myfile.txt in the same folder as the current TPT file, see Execution Configuration Variables.

In TPT, you can use:

In some cases environment variables do not exist. You can use a default substitute: ${tpt.tptfile.dir=TEMP}\myfile.txt delivers TEMP\myfile.txt if the variable tpt.tptfile.dir does not exist, since TEMP is the default substitute.

Windows environment variables

TPT does not change WINDOWS environment variables. These variables do not appear in the list when you use the auto-completion feature. The following table lists two examples:

Windows System Variables
Name Format Description
${TEMP} text WINDOWS temp folder
${COMPUTERNAME} text WINDOWS computer name
${TIME} text WINDOWS time
${DATE} text WINDOWS date

Hierarchy of environment variables

Environment variables can be overwritten with the precedence: WINDOWS environment variables < global variables < project-specific variables < platform configuration variables < execution configuration variables.

This means, global variables prevail WINDOWS environment variables. Project-specific variables prevail global variables and WINDOWS environment variables. Platform configuration variables prevail project-specific variables, global variables , and WINDOWS environment variables. Execution configuration variables prevail all.